Weirdest World Laws for you to have a giggle at!
1. It’s Illegal to hold Salmon under Suspicious Circumstances
The Salmon Act 1986 stipulates that it’s an offence to handle salmon under suspicious circumstances. This section creates an offence in England and Wales for any person who receives or disposes of any salmon in circumstances where they believe or could reasonably believe that the salmon has been illegally fished – perhaps a more reasonable law than you might first expect (‘how could you hold a salmon suspiciously?’). The maximum penalty is two years imprisonment.
2. You Must let Anyone use your Toilet if they ask in Scotland
If you need the toilet you can knock on someone’s door and ask to use their bathroom in Scotland – and by law, they cannot deny you. This derives from an extension of old Scottish common law regarding hospitality (fair play to the Scots!), and is technically still enforceable today (even though it was never officially authorised by Parliament). Whether you’re likely to find much success upon attempting it, however, might be a different story.
3. In Samoa, it’s Illegal to forget your Wife’s Birthday
You will get more than the silent treatment from your wife if you forget her birthday in Samoa. It is unclear how long your sentence would be (it’s been implied that the first offence may only culminate in a warning), but maybe some time apart for you to think about how to make it up to her wouldn’t be too bad.
4. Don’t Drive Blindfolded in Alabama
It’s illegal to drive blindfolded in the city of Alabama. But the law doesn’t stop there; it also says that drivers aren’t allowed to drive a car if they can’t see what’s in front or on the side of it.
5. It’s Illegal to Reincarnate Without Permission in China
Tibetan Buddist monks are not allowed to reincarnate after they die unless they have been granted permission from the government.
We’re not sure how they enforce this, but China is known for having some strict laws.
6. You Can’t Send Unsolicited Pizza
If in Louisiana, don’t try to send anyone a surprise pizza or you’ll have to pay heavily for this appalling gesture – a whole $500 fine is coming your way.
7. It’s Illegal to Ride a Cow While Drunk in Scotland
Before you get any crazy ideas — and have too much Scottish whisky — you should know you could get a ticket for drunk cow riding. Technically, the full 1872 law mandates people not be drunk when in charge of a cow, horse, carriage or steam engine.
8. Criminals Can’t Protect Themselves From Bullet Wounds
If you’re found wearing a bulletproof vest while committing a crime in New Jersey, you will not only be charged with the crime but have to be charged additionally for trying to protect another person or yourself against bullet wounds.
9. It’s Illegal to Wear Lacy Undies in Russia
Sorry ladies (and gents), but Russia doesn’t want you wearing anything lacy underneath your clothing. A 2014 law in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan states undergarments must be made with a minimum of 6 percent of cotton. Why? They claim it is for health and safety.
10. No Donkeys in Arizonian Bathtubs
This must be one of the strangest laws in the United States on our list. In the 1920s a home in Arizona was flooded whilst a donkey was asleep in a bathtub – it eventually filled up and flooded, while the animal was swept away! The townspeople were able to rescue the poor animal, but followed up soon after with a law intended to avoid such an occurrence becoming a repeat issue.
If you know of any weird, humourous or just plain strange laws around the world let us know!